ALP: The Admissions Leadership Podcast

Ethan Sawyer on Figuring Out Who You Are and What You Care About

October 13, 2023 Ken Anselment / Ethan Sawyer Season 8 Episode 1

Season Premiere: Ethan Sawyer, founder of College Essay Guy, kicks off Season 8 of the ALP and we quickly learn it's not about the essay ... it's about figuring out who you are and what you care about. We talk about the applicability of Ethan's discovery exercises to everybody (not just college applicants), why Ethan might be the perfect candidate to interview Ken someday, and what roles Jesus and diapers play in the origin story of College Essay Guy.


  • College admission resources following the SCOTUS decision to end race-conscious admission decisions.
  • Is it “Okay” to Write about Race in Your College Application—And, If So, How?This guide offers practical advice for students and counselors, including examples of essays by students who chose to discuss race and its impact on their character and unique abilities.
  • The “If You Really, Really Knew Me” Exercise (Template) This practical, comprehensive exercise helps you (and your students) generate a list of identities, skills, qualities, and skills they can share with colleges. It’s one of the  favorites at College Essay Guy—if you use it, just give 'em a shout-out. :)
  • The Social Identities Exercise (Template) This exercise is another favorite and is useful for helping students think about diversity and identity in both broader and more nuanced ways. Includes a guide for counselors, facilitators, and parents.
  • Books referenced: Rocket Fuel and Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage in Human Consciousness.
  • Interested in checking out Ethan's voice over work?

Rapid Descent

The ALP is supported by RHB. Music arranged by Ryan Anselment