ALP: The Admissions Leadership Podcast

Dan Saavedra on How He (and Others) Built StriveScan

Ken Anselment Season 8 Episode 5

How does someone go from being a lawyer and a photographer to found and lead the company that has reshaped the college fair experience for millions of students and more than 15,000 admission professionals representing more than 2500 institutions around the world?  Dan Saavedra, founder and president of StriveScan, tells us how he built StriveScan (spoiler, with trust and the friendliest client contract ... ever).  Live through what their first college fair was like, as well as those moments when StriveScan created something out of nothing to foster connections for students and colleges in the early days of the pandemic.


Rapid Descent

The ALP is supported by RHB. Music arranged by Ryan Anselment