ALP: The Admissions Leadership Podcast

Nancy Beane

Ken Anselment Season 3 Episode 10

You can hear it in my giddy voice when I start the intro for this episode, where Nancy Beane, recently retired associate director of college counseling at The Westminster Schools, and former NACAC president, reflects on her career and all the people who have inspired and lifted her along the way. Come for the inspiration, stay for the history lesson.

Shout-outs ... consider it Nancy's thank you's for her Lifetime Achievement Award
Juan Acosta; Lee Ann Afton Backlund; Stephanie Balmer; Marie Bigham; Jack Blackburn; Wade Boggs; David Burge; Terese Buscher; Rick Clark; Anthea Economy; Sarbeth Fleming; Steve Frappier; Jeff Fuller; Emmi Harward; Sam Moss; Stefanie Niles; Richard Powell; Jim Rawlins; Jenny Rickard; Todd Rinehart; Leon Scott; Brandi Smith; Joyce Smith; Lisa Sohmer; Bill Starling;  Bertha Todd; Phil Trout ... and many many more 

Rapid Descent

  • Walkout songLet There Be Peace on Earth , The Boys Choir of Harlem
  • Best recent read: The Women in the Castle by Jessica Shattuck
  • Eager to read next: Wilmington's Lie by David Zucchino
  • Podcast: Anything that Rick Clark writes or reads.
  • Favorite thing to make in the kitchen: As her daughter said, "Mommy, you're a plain cooker; Dad's a fancy cooker."
  • What he uses to take and keep notes: her computer.
  • Memorable bit of advice: From the father of one of her students, "To do my good, my better, my best, to make this world better than I found it."
  • Bucket list: "I want to travel! Australia. New Zealand."

The ALP is supported by RHB. Music arranged by Ryan Anselment